High School Agricultural Communications Competencies: A Natioinal Delphi Study


  • Cindy L. Akers Texas Tech University
  • Paul R. Vaughn University of Missouri-Columbia
  • Jacqui D. Haygood Canadian ISD




The major purpose of this study was to identify competencies that should be achieved by high school students who complete courses in agricultural communications. Identification of the competencies came from industry leaders, high school agricultural education teachers, and university faculty in agricultural communications. A three-round Delphi technique was the principal procedure used to conduct the study with a total of 75 individuals being asked to participate in round one. In the first round, the panel identified 11 topic areas that should be included in a high school agricultural communications course: (1) Writing; (2) Computer/Information Technology; (3) Agricultural Industry; (4) Communications History; (5) Professional Development; (6) Research/ Information Gathering; (7) Ethics; (8) Public Relations/Advertising/ Marketing; (9) Leadership Development; (10) Legislative Issues; and (11) Communication Skills. Resulting rounds produced 93 competencies within the 11 topic areas that were identified for potential inclusion in the high school curriculum. Of the 93 competencies, two were eliminated due to lack of agreement by the panel. Scholastic level ratings by the panel further reduced the number of competencies appropriate for high school students to 76 and categorized the remaining competencies according to appropriateness for introduction at the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior level.


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How to Cite

Akers, C. L., Vaughn, P. R., & Haygood, J. D. (2003). High School Agricultural Communications Competencies: A Natioinal Delphi Study. Journal of Agricultural Education, 44(4), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2003.04001


