A Review Of Subject Matter Topics Researched In Agricultural And Extension Education
Two premier publications of the agricultural and extension education profession were examined toidentify subject matter topics researched in agricultural and extension education. A total of 853 articles (402 in Journal of Agricultural Education and 451 in National Agricultural Education Research Meetings) published during 1986-1996 were reviewed. A total of 30 subject matter topics were identified using an expert panel. The 853 articles were categorized into the relevant subject matter topics. The top five subject matter topics researched during this 11 years were: secondary ag programs, learning styles/theory, extension education, professionalism, and ag mechanics/engineering. Emerging topics included distance education, international, undergraduate/graduate education, agricultural literacy, diverse audiences and environment/sustainability. Agricultural and extension educators research a variety of subject matter topics which address diverse issues related to the profession. It is recommended that the profession develop a systematic research agenda focusing on: 1) critical issues of the profession; 2) collaborative approach to research; and 3) periodic reviews of premier publications of the profession.