Student Teachers' Views on Their Competence to Teach the National AFNR Career Pathways: Implications for the Preparation of Preservice Teachers in Agricultural Education
agricultural education, national agriculture, food, and natural resources career pathways, student teachersAbstract
This exploratory study assessed the perceived levels of importance and competence of student teachers in agricultural education regarding their ability to teach across the National Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Pathways. Using a congruent, parallel mixed-methods design, data were collected from 16 student teachers through questionnaires, interviews, and researcher field notes. Descriptive statistics and eclectic coding were used to explain the quantitative and qualitative findings. Though the study’s findings should not be generalized, such were examined using a needs assessment model to identify the competence needs of student teachers in regard to teaching across the eight National AFNR Career Pathways. Student teachers perceived all pathways to be important to teach but varied in their perceptions of competence to do that. Recommendations are offered for additional research and future practice.