A Trend Study: Technology Adoption in the Teaching-Learning Process by Secondary Agriscience Teachers-2002 and 2007


  • Joe W. Kotrlik Louisiana State University
  • Donna H. Redmann Louisiana State University




This study was designed to determine agriscience teachers' adoption of technology for use in instruction and to determine if their technology adoption and perceived barriers to technology adoption had changed since the 2002 benchmark study. This study was part of a larger study of technology adoption by secondary career and technical education teachers. Data were collected with a mailed questionnaire with telephone follow-up to a random sample of secondary agriscience teachers in Louisiana. Teachers have increased their technology adoption for use in instruction over the past 5 years, although they still do not have access to the technology they need to use technology fully in their instruction. They continue to perceive that moderate barriers exist that prevent them from integrating technology into their teaching, with no change over the past 5 years. Agriscience teachers were experiencing some technology. Teachers continue to use traditional sources for their technology training. The availability of technology and gender are strong predictors of the extent to which agriscience teachers had adopted technology in their teaching.


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How to Cite

Kotrlik, J. W., & Redmann, D. H. (2009). A Trend Study: Technology Adoption in the Teaching-Learning Process by Secondary Agriscience Teachers-2002 and 2007. Journal of Agricultural Education, 50(2), 62–74. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2009.02062


