Training Needs Of New Mexico Agricultural Education Teachers Related To Inclusion Of Students With Special Needs


  • Randall J. Andreasen Yucca Council, Boy Scouts of America
  • Brenda S. Seevers New Mexico State University
  • Thomas J. Dormody New Mexico State University
  • Dawn M. VanLeeuwen New Mexico State University



The purpose of this study was to describe New Mexico secondary agricultural education teachers' perceptions of the importance and their level of competence on state special needs inclusion competencies and skills for teaching students with special needs.Additionally, this study sought to determine pre-service and in-service training needs for working with students with special needs.A census of New Mexico agricultural education teachers received a mail questionnaire during spring and summer 2003.The inclusion competencies most in need of strengthening among the teachers were: understanding special education regulations, understanding different levels of special education services, understanding different levels of disabilities, and understanding the social needs of special education students.The special education teaching skills most in need of strengthening were: dealing with uncooperative special education students, working with more than one type of disability, keeping special education students on task, and adapting facilities for special education students.


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How to Cite

Andreasen, R. J., Seevers, B. S., Dormody, T. J., & VanLeeuwen, D. M. (2007). Training Needs Of New Mexico Agricultural Education Teachers Related To Inclusion Of Students With Special Needs. Journal of Agricultural Education, 48(4), 117–129.


