Distance Education Needs Of Agribusinesses And Professional Agriculture Associations


  • Blannie E. Bowen The Pennsylvania State University
  • Joan S. Thomson The Pennsylvania State University




For this assessment, 66 agribusinesses and 61 associations provided usable data by the end of the data collection period (August 6, 1993). Major findings were that programming targeted to individual firms and associations as well as general programming that applies to multiple audiences are of high interest, i.e. (1) conferences, seminars, short courses, workshops, and meeting; (2) certificate or licensure programs; and, (3) contemporary issues programming. Graduate and undergraduate courses in agronomy, entomology, food science, personnel evaluation, management, and strategic planning were preferred most by the firms. Desired proprietary programming focuses upon employee training, new products being developed, and marketing strategies. However, firms indicated a strong desire to protect such programming from being downlinked by competitors. Most often, training directors, firm presidents, and association presidents make the decision to commit the resources to subscribe to distance education. As opposed to the universities, the firms and associations need less than six months to decide to subscribe to a program or course. Most indicated that they would pay $1,000 or less, to subscribe to credit courses.


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How to Cite

Bowen, B. E., & Thomson, J. S. (1995). Distance Education Needs Of Agribusinesses And Professional Agriculture Associations. Journal of Agricultural Education, 36(4), 18–25. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.1995.04018


