Global guides: Defining teachers’ viewpoints about global food insecurity using Q methodology


  • Jessica R. Spence Virginia Tech University
  • Carson Letot Pennsylvania State University
  • Daniel Foster Pennsylvania State University
  • Tobin Redwine Texas A&M University
  • O.P. McCubbins Mississippi State University
  • Melanie Miller-Foster Pennsylvania State University



As global food security concerns continue to expand, education systems are called to help produce globally competent students nimble in addressing complex issues. Secondary educators are vital in this mission of developing a globally competent workforce, and their perspectives on global issues impact how students learn about these concepts. In this study, we aimed to explain the viewpoints of a group of educators on global learning issues, specifically food security. We conducted a Q method study with 34 educators to characterize their viewpoints of priority issues related to global learning of food security. In relation to food insecurity, we identified five personas from educators’ prioritization of global food security issues: conservative conservationists, enlightened equalists, futurists, trainers and teachers, and mindful producers. The perspectives of these personas were used to further understand the educators’ perspectives of global competency of the group through the Asia Society’s (2018) model of Four Domains for Global Competence and of current international sustainability goals.


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How to Cite

Spence, J. R., Letot, C., Foster, D., Redwine, T., McCubbins, O., & Miller-Foster, M. (2023). Global guides: Defining teachers’ viewpoints about global food insecurity using Q methodology. Journal of Agricultural Education, 64(4).



Journal of Agricultural Education