Virtual mentoring in agricultural education: Describing digital literacy, technology self-efficacy, and attitudes toward technology of secondary agricultural educators


  • Tiffany Morey Buena Regional High School
  • Daniel Foster Pennsylvania State University
  • John Ewing Pennsylvania State University



Teacher Education, Mentoring, Digital Literacy, Technology Self-Efficacy


Digital literacy, technology self-efficacy, and attitude toward technology play an impactful role in the life of teachers. Proficiency in digital literacy and technology self-efficacy, along with a positive attitude toward technology, can predict and shape an educator's capacity to implement best practices for teaching and learning with technology. This study examined the effects of participation in a virtual mentoring program on the digital literacy, technology self-efficacy, and attitude toward technology of secondary agriculture teachers. We found secondary agriculture teachers who had participated in a virtual mentoring program exhibited higher overall digital literacy levels and technology self-efficacy levels than those secondary agriculture teachers who had not participated in a virtual mentoring program. Pragmatic implications include a defined opportunity for agricultural education leaders to develop appropriate and beneficial tools and materials to assist in-service agriculture teachers in developing digital literacy skills, technology self-efficacy skills, and a positive attitude toward technology. Recommendations for future research include examining different means of establishing virtual mentoring relationships between secondary agriculture teachers and exploring virtual professional development opportunities designed to help educators develop digital literacy, technology self-efficacy, and a positive attitude toward technology.


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Author Biographies

Tiffany Morey, Buena Regional High School

Agricultural Science Department, Buena Regional High School, Buena, New Jersey 08310

Daniel Foster, Pennsylvania State University

Daniel D. Foster, Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education, The Pennsylvania State University, Ferguson 212, University Park, PA 16802.

John Ewing, Pennsylvania State University

Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education, The Pennsylvania State University, Ferguson 212, University Park, PA 16802




How to Cite

Morey, T., Foster, D., & Ewing, J. (2023). Virtual mentoring in agricultural education: Describing digital literacy, technology self-efficacy, and attitudes toward technology of secondary agricultural educators. Journal of Agricultural Education, 64(1), 12–27.



Journal of Agricultural Education

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