Usability Evaluation of an Online Media Resource Guide
This study used a survey research design to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction, credibility, and therefore, the overall usability of CottonLink, an online media resource guide as determined by members of the Texas Plains region associated press medium. Using a modified version of Dillman’s (2000) Tailored Design Method, the response rate reached 54.2%, with a total of 39 completed online surveys. The researcher designed instrument achieved acceptable reliability scores for each portion of usability: effectiveness ,0.95; efficiency,0 .98; satisfaction, 0.92; credibility, 0.92; and overall usability, 0.97. Respondent’s found the Web site to be effective, efficient, satisfying, credible, and usable. Findings were relevant for both researchers and practitioners. Future research should evaluate terminology related to usability test actual agriculture knowledge and experience, analyze usability qualitatively, and replicate this study with a larger population. Recommended practices for practitioners include continually develop usable educational resources for media members, extend media resource guides for additional commodities and states, and hold training workshops for both media and industry representatives.