National FFA Officer Candidate Preparation: Developing Future Leaders For Society
Based on a descriptive and exploratory research design, the researchers discovered that several factors were important in the preparation of youth for election to National Office in FFA. Information on National Officer Candidate preparation protocol was obtained from 44 of the 51 states and territories contacted. The objectives were to: identify the postsecondary education enrollment status of National Officer Candidates (NOC); determine the level and type of interview preparation for the NOC selection process; identify how states help NOC prepare for the written exercises and examination component of the selection process; determine how states prepare NOC for communication and public speaking activities; seek trends associated with NOC preparation protocol and election to a national office; and determine how states develop their NOC's professional behavior and presence for the selection process. The results indicate possible preparation in skill and knowledge-based areas that can enhance a candidate's potential for election to national office.