Identifying Barriers To Infusion Of Aquaculture Into Secondary Agriscience: Adoption Of A Curriculum Innovation
The large numbers of workers needed for jobs in technical agriculture, including those in aquaculture must understand basic biology and chemistry concepts and processes. Aquaculture education, when infused into the secondary agriscience curriculum, can help meet these needs. It provides an experiential learning experience that motivates students to learn science and mathematics, as well as reinforcing other academic disciplines. Not all teachers, however, may believe aquaculture to be a viable curricular choice for their individual programs. This article is based on a larger study commissioned by The National Council for Agricultural Education to examine implementation of aquaculture education in the United States. Specifically, this article addresses perceptions of secondary agriculture teachers regarding the barriers to offering aquaculture as part of an established agriculture program. Results of this multiple methods study indicate that if teachers believe that offering aquaculture as part of their curriculum will result in benefits to students they will find the means to overcome most perceived barriers, including cost.