Watch Your Language: A Corpus Linguistics Analysis and Systematic Review of Feedback
feedback, feedback information, feedback process, supervision, teacher developmentAbstract
The purpose of this systematic review of literature was to examine the language surrounding a primary role associated with supervision: feedback. Feedback is powerful and foundational to the on-going professional and personal development of teacher candidates, yet the meaning of the word on its own is taken-for-granted, undefined, and often left to the reader to make their own interpretation. This review is guided by the theoretical tool of corpus linguistics analysis to understand the relationship of words associated with feedback in the context of literature, which provides clarity on the possible representations and meanings of feedback. Clarity of language leads to clarity of research methods, findings, and future direction for practitioners. The existing use of the word feedback reveals more about the agency of those involved with the phenomenon, as well as the implications of this viewpoint. Based on the findings of this review, recommendations and implications for future research and practice involving supervision, and feedback are made to strengthen and unify the field around the subtle, yet impactful use of the word feedback in terms of information, process, or event.