Determining Critical Subject Matter Content For A Safety Certification Program For Youth Employed In Agricultural Production


  • Robbie R. Ortega Purdue University
  • Roger L. Tormoehlen Purdue University
  • William E. Field Purdue University
  • Mark Balschweid Purdue University
  • Krisanna L. Machtmes Louisiana State University



Purdue University is conducting research to evaluate the effectiveness of an interactive CD-ROM and Internet-based curriculum teaching teenaged youth critical production agricultural safety and health-related information required under the Federal Hazardous Occupations Order. Selected community-based teaching strategies were evaluated and compared for their effectiveness in developing knowledge, changing attitudes and behaviors and improving practices related to the safe operation of agricultural tractors and machinery. This paper summarizes the methodology and outcomes of research conducted to identify and validate the core safety-related competencies upon which the curriculum was based. A preliminary set of competencies was developed using mandated training requirements, past curriculums, and recent youth-related injury data. An expert panel representing various stakeholders independently ranked the preliminary set of competencies and identified additional desired competencies for youth performing farm-related tasks. A sample of high school agricultural educators and youth further reviewed the competencies confirming their significance. The findings showed a high level of consistency between the expert panel, high school agricultural educators and the youth concerning inclusion of the identified competencies into the new curriculum. A set of 170 knowledge and skills-based competencies categorized into 12 units resulted, along with a set of questions designed to assess learner mastery of the competencies.


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How to Cite

Ortega, R. R., Tormoehlen, R. L., Field, W. E., Balschweid, M., & Machtmes, K. L. (2003). Determining Critical Subject Matter Content For A Safety Certification Program For Youth Employed In Agricultural Production. Journal of Agricultural Education, 44(4), 67–79.




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