Professional Life Phases: Identifying Professional Development Needs for Florida Agriscience Teachers


  • Kelsey M. Thornton Baker County Middle School
  • Bradley M. Coleman University of Florida
  • J.C. Bunch University of Florida
  • T. Grady Roberts University of Florida



teacher needs, instructional practice, teacher career phases, professional life phases, professional development


For learners to be better prepared to solve current and future complex problems, teachers must continue to strengthen and refine their teaching and learning practices throughout their career. One known modality to assist teachers in refining their pedagogical skills is teacher participation in professional development opportunities. The purpose of this study was to identify the self-perceived professional development needs of agriscience teachers in Florida based on their professional life phase. All three career phases shared modifying instruction for students with special needs as one of their top identified instructional practice needs. It is recommended that agricultural education professional development organizers consider years of experience when planning workshops and opportunities. The “cookie cutter” method or “one size fits all” themes for professional development may not be the most effective way to continue offering these workshops since the findings of this study and others indicate differing needs of agriscience teachers based on professional life phase and years of experience.


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How to Cite

Thornton, K. M., Coleman, B. M., Bunch, J., & Roberts, T. G. (2020). Professional Life Phases: Identifying Professional Development Needs for Florida Agriscience Teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education, 61(4), 283–295.




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