What is Scholarship? Faculty Knowledge and Perceptions of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.


  • Lucas D. Maxwell University of Missouri
  • Anna L. Ball University of Missouri




The purpose of this study was to determine faculty members’ knowledge and perceptions of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) at the University of Florida. Faculty with appointments in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Emerging Pathogens, Genetics, and Water multidisciplinary institutes served as the population for this study. The objectives of the study were to describe characteristics of faculty in regard to teaching, determine knowledge of the definition of the SoTL, describe faculty involvement in the SoTL, and determine faculty members’ perceptions about the value of and attitudes toward the SoTL. Nearly one–third of respondents were not familiar with the SoTL. More than 80% indicated that they had never, on their own or through collaboration, completed research about the SoTL. Almost 60% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that SoTL is a valid form of scholarship, yet less than one–third of respondents felt that conducting research in the SoTL would be useful to their tenure and promotion dossier. In general, most faculty were neutral or positive in regards to the SoTL with almost two–thirds indicating they would like to learn more about the topic.


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How to Cite

Maxwell, L. D., & Ball, A. L. (2010). What is Scholarship? Faculty Knowledge and Perceptions of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Journal of Agricultural Education, 51(2), 127–138. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2010.02127




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