Perceived Factors that Influence the Success of Vertical Transfer Students in Agricultural Education: A Delphi Study


  • Tera Howerton Walters State Community College
  • Christopher A. Clemons Auburn University
  • James R. Lindner Auburn University



community college, agricultural education, vertical transfer, validation theory, Delphi, graduation, faculty


The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument that can be used to identify factors that influence the success of vertical transfer students in agricultural education. The specific objectives of this study were: identify perceived factors that influence the bachelor’s degree attainment of vertical transfer students in agricultural education, and identify trends which impact students’ completion of a bachelor’s degree in agricultural education transfer students. The framework of this study is based on a union of the Schlossberg’s Transition Theory (1981) and Rendón’s Validation Theory (1994). The expert panel consisted of ten participants identified as leaders in post-secondary agriscience education. The findings of this study identified factors that are most influential to the bachelor’s degree attainment of vertical transfer students in agricultural education. Student attendance and preparation for class were indicated as significant factors influencing persistence to graduation. Courses that are designed to be engaging and present real-life applications promote degree completion were found to be of importance to bachelor’s degree completion. Faculty members have a significant role in the successful degree completion of vertical transfer students by developing engaging courses, presenting real-life applications for classroom material, and allowing for meaning relationships to be established with vertical transfer students.


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How to Cite

Howerton, T., Clemons, C. A., & Lindner, J. R. (2019). Perceived Factors that Influence the Success of Vertical Transfer Students in Agricultural Education: A Delphi Study. Journal of Agricultural Education, 60(3), 32–46.




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