A Summary Of Distance Education In University Agricultural Education Departments


  • T. Grady Roberts Texas A&M University
  • James E. Dyer University of Florida




Distance education has become commonplace on many university campuses throughout the United States. Anecdotal evidence would suggest that distance education has also become commonplace in a few agricultural education departments. However, little is empirically known about the use of distance education within agricultural education departments. The purpose of this study was to obtain baseline data for distance education activities in agricultural education departments and programs at higher education institutions. A census of the department chairs or programs leaders was used to gather data using a bimodal data collection method. An 82% response rate was achieved. Results indicated that over two-thirds of the agricultural education departments offered distance education courses. Course management software was the technology used most to deliver courses, closely followed by the Internet. The most frequent academic level of distance education courses offered was graduate courses. The average department had just over three faculty members who taught distance education courses. From an administrative perspective, the biggest motivating factor for agricultural education faculty to teach distance education courses was to provide better service to their clientele. Also from an administrative perspective, the overwhelming barrier to distance education in agricultural education departments was time constraints of faculty members.


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How to Cite

Roberts, T. G., & Dyer, J. E. (2005). A Summary Of Distance Education In University Agricultural Education Departments. Journal of Agricultural Education, 46(2), 70–82. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2005.02070




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