Identifying the Characteristics of an Effective Agricultural Education Teacher: A National Study


  • Christopher J. Eck Oklahoma State University
  • J. Shane Robinson Oklahoma State University
  • Jon W. Ramsey Oklahoma State University
  • Ki Lynn Cole Oklahoma State University



effective teaching characteristics, human capital, school-based agricultural education teachers


The educational landscape in America is changing every day. The need for effective teachers, especially those in agricultural education, remains a high priority. This national study sought to identify the human capital (i.e., education, training, skills, and experiences) necessary for effective school-based agricultural education teachers. The modified Delphi approach consisting of award- winning agricultural education teachers, state staff, and National FFA Board of Directors in the 2017 calendar year was used to collect data. Three rounds of data collection resulted in 58 characteristics, across eight different categories, reaching consensus of agreement. Panelists agreed unanimously on 28 items. The top-rated item was, “understands student needs.” The eight categories emerging from the data included: Instruction, FFA, SAE, Program Planning, Balance, Diversity and Inclusion, Professionalism, and Personal Dispositions. Personal Dispositions (n = 14) and Instruction (n = 14) were the two themes generating the greatest numbers of items. SAE (n = 1) was the category with the least amount of items generated. The results of this study serve as a call to action for a balanced program and personal life, refrain from working extra hours, and limiting one’s involvement in the community as a leader.


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How to Cite

Eck, C. J., Robinson, J. S., Ramsey, J. W., & Cole, K. L. (2019). Identifying the Characteristics of an Effective Agricultural Education Teacher: A National Study. Journal of Agricultural Education, 60(4), 1–18.




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