A Social-Ecological Resilience Perspective for the Social Sciences of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources


  • Catlin M. Pauley Granville Jr./Sr. High School
  • Aaron J. McKim Michigan State University
  • Jennifer Hodbod Granville Jr./Sr. High School




resilience, social-ecological systems, complex problems, adaptation, transformation


Scholarship within the social sciences of agriculture, food, and natural resources (AFNR) exists, in part, to inform solutions to complex problems. Increasingly, complex problems are found at the nexus of social and ecological systems; therefore, scholarship within the social sciences of AFNR must mirror this social-ecological characteristic. Existing AFNR social science literature on resilience lacks the required social-ecological perspective, conceptualizing resilience as an individual characteristic. The absence of a social-ecological perspective of resilience fails to holistically address the complexity of AFNR systems and the challenge therein. Therefore, the current manuscript seeks to inform social science scholarship within AFNR by foregrounding social-ecological resilience as a necessary approach to addressing the complexity of challenges found throughout AFNR systems. Included in the discussion is a critical review of individual resilience, an introduction to adaptation and transformation, an outline of social-ecological resilience, an in-depth analysis of the seven principles of social-ecological resilience, and a discussion of social-ecological resilience thinking applied to the seven research priority areas described by the American Association for Agricultural Education. In total, the current manuscript paves the way for additional systems-based research in the AFNR social sciences by introducing critical concepts and approaches related to social-ecological resilience.


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How to Cite

Pauley, C. M., McKim, A. J., & Hodbod, J. (2019). A Social-Ecological Resilience Perspective for the Social Sciences of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources. Journal of Agricultural Education, 60(4), 132–148. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2019.04132




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