The Effect of Social Media on University Students' Perceptions of the Beef Industry


  • Michelle Howard Solentra
  • Carrie A. Stephens University of Tennessee - Knoxville
  • Christopher T. Stripling University of Tennessee - Knoxville
  • Shelby Brawner University of Tennessee - Knoxville
  • H. Dwight Loveday University of Tennessee - Knoxville



social media, university students, beef industry


Social media is known for having the ability to rapidly disseminate information and university students now receive the majority of information about agriculture through social media platforms rather than through first-hand experience. In order to understand the impact of social media on university students related to the beef industry, a study of 300 students at the University of Tennessee were selected to participate. The purpose of this study was to describe media usage and impacts on students at the University of Tennessee. Results showed students perceived social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter, to be relatively trustworthy; agreed that the beef industry supplied safe products to consumers but they are very concerned with food safety and relatively concerned to very concerned with having access to information about the beef supply. One recommendation made was industry communicators should consider current industry representation on social media and identify ways to proactively supply information to university students.


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How to Cite

Howard, M., Stephens, C. A., Stripling, C. T., Brawner, S., & Loveday, H. D. (2017). The Effect of Social Media on University Students’ Perceptions of the Beef Industry. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(2), 316–330.




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