A Measure of Self-Regulated Learning in Online Agriculture Courses


  • Steven “Boot” Chumbley Texas A&M University
  • J. Chris Haynes University of Wyoming
  • Mark S. Hainline Iowa State University
  • Tyson Sorensen Utah State University




dual enrollment, self-regulated learning, online


For students to be successful in the online learning environment, change from passive learners to active learners is essential. Students who successfully regulate and change their learning know where and how to acquire the knowledge necessary for success in the online environment. Introducing students early through dual enrollment programs can ensure students have the necessary skills for success. This project sought to determine the self-regulated learning level of students in an online agriculture course. Students were found to have the highest self-regulation within environmental structuring and goal setting. The lowest online learning self-regulation was in the area of task strategies. Females had a higher level of self-regulated online learning while there was found to be little difference by ethnicity. Low correlations were found between student experience with online courses and their perceived online self-regulated learning level. Students in an online agriculture dual enrolment course are encouraged to develop goals and at the conclusion complete a self-evaluation of their learning. Research should continue to help researchers understand and properly identify any personal, behavioral or environmental factors that influence secondary students’ self-regulated learning in an online agriculture dual enrollment course.


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How to Cite

Chumbley, S. “Boot”, Haynes, J. C., Hainline, M. S., & Sorensen, T. (2018). A Measure of Self-Regulated Learning in Online Agriculture Courses. Journal of Agricultural Education, 59(1), 153–170. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2018.01153




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