A Longitudinal Evaluation of Conflict Management Capacity Building Efforts in Higher Education


  • Kevan W. Lamm University of Georgia
  • L. Rochelle Sapp University of Georgia
  • Alexa J. Lamm University of Georgia
  • Nekeisha Randall University of Georgia




managing conflict, conflict management, leadership development, evaluation


The cost of conflict avoidance and mismanagement can be detrimental to organizational environments. Thus, the need for individuals capable of managing conflict effectively is a vital and necessary leadership skillset, specifically within higher education. The purpose of this study was to examine if participation in the LEAD21 leadership development program, a national leadership program for faculty emerging as leaders in the land-grant university system, changed participant levels of conflict management capacity. The longitudinal analysis included comparisons across members of four classes in the LEAD21 program, as well as the aggregated data from all four years. Results indicated the overall level of conflict management capacity rose by an average of 15.1%. Agricultural leadership educators can use the results to inform leadership education initiatives while also using the presented Conflict Management Scale to measure such initiatives. Study expansions, implications, and recommendations are discussed.


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How to Cite

Lamm, K. W., Sapp, L. R., Lamm, A. J., & Randall, N. (2020). A Longitudinal Evaluation of Conflict Management Capacity Building Efforts in Higher Education. Journal of Agricultural Education, 61(3), 75–85. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2020.03075




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