The Benefits and Challenges of SAE for All and FFA Affiliation Adoption
FFA affiliation, student membership dues, three-component model of school-based agricultural education, mandatory student organization membership programsAbstract
Even with measurable benefits of all three School-Based Agricultural Education (SBAE) components, implementation of each component widely varies. Not all SBAE students experience the benefits of FFA and SAE, resulting in young adults who may not be fully prepared for their careers or to enter the workforce. FFA Affiliation and SAE for All are two approaches designed to reprioritize FFA and SAE as integral. As part of a federally funded grant, we used a descriptive case study approach and Diffusion of Innovations theory (Rogers, 2003) to explore the challenges, limitations, and benefits experienced when teachers adopted FFA Affiliation and SAE for All. We found that the stigma of agriculture, student buy-in, limited resources, SBAE jargon, and long-term financial feasibility were challenges for teachers. Teachers described many benefits including increased access, removing barriers, and increased participation. To make adoption easier, teachers wanted additional resources, networking, best practices, and time for problem-solving. Participants’ primary concern was FFA Affiliation’s long-term viability, given the pricing model. We recommend national organizations develop additional resources and provide professional development to support FFA Affiliation and SAE for All and that National FFA reevaluate the FFA Affiliation fee structure.
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