Teachers distribute their time in many ways. The study sought to determine how agriculture teachers distribute their time among 11 selected teacher activities (i.e., preparation for instruction; classroom/laboratory teaching; laboratory preparation and/or maintenance; grading/scoring students’ work; administrative duties-program management; professional activities; Supervised Agricultural Experience observations and recording; local FFA activities; non-local FFA activities; Career Development Events preparation; and adult education) over a 15-week period. Additionally, comparisons were made for three teacher types (i.e., studentteachers, first-year teachers, and experience teachers). An additional time category (observation) was observed for student teachers. It was concluded that of the 11 selected areas, all teachers spend the majority of their time planning and providing classroom and laboratory instruction. The least amount of time was spent on adult education. Further, it was concluded that first-year teacher and student teachers display similar use of time in the 11 selected areas over the 15-week period. Recommendations cited include the need for personal development efforts in time-management and a need to better reflect on priorities for distributing time.