An Examination of Changes in Student Course Evaluations of CALS Faculty after Participating in a Faculty Development Program


  • T. Grady Roberts University of Florida
  • Blake C. Colclasure Doane University
  • Sarah E. LaRose Purdue University
  • R. Elaine Turner University of Florida
  • Alan F. Wysocki University of Florida



faculty development, course evaluations, professional development, college teaching


Faculty development programs in agricultural colleges have aimed to improve teaching and learning in undergraduate and graduate courses. The purpose of this study was to examine how students perceived instructor teaching behaviors after instructors participated in the Teacher’s College program at the University of Florida. Student course evaluation scores were used as an indicator of instructor behaviors. A paired samples t-test was used to compare participant’s student evaluation scores before with their student evaluation scores after the program. Results indicated a statistically significant difference between scores, demonstrating slightly higher student evaluation scores after completion. It was also found faculty had higher student evaluation scores for classes they taught during the semester of participation. Lastly, this study compared student evaluation scores for courses before, during, and after faculty members’ completion of the program with their department student evaluation averages. Results indicated before Teacher’s College, faculty members had slightly lower student evaluation averages compared to department averages. Student evaluation averages were found to be slightly higher than department averages during and after Teacher’s College. Although variations were found between graduate and undergraduate-level courses, this study supports the use of faculty development programs as a strategy to improve teaching behaviors of faculty.


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How to Cite

Roberts, T. G., Colclasure, B. C., LaRose, S. E., Turner, R. E., & Wysocki, A. F. (2019). An Examination of Changes in Student Course Evaluations of CALS Faculty after Participating in a Faculty Development Program. Journal of Agricultural Education, 60(4), 212–222.


